Chapy Magazine 2019-2020 | Page 15

GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY ATHLETE OF THE YEAR “ Cenady is an amazing athlete, but outside of sports she is a great person. Cenady is a great leader on the team and really strives to race her best race every meet and gives her best effort in practice. My favorite thing about Cenady is her character. When at a meet if she isn’t racing or warming up, she is out on the course cheering her teammates on. ” NORTHEAST HEAD COACH TRENTON WEAVER Northeast’s Cenady Soenksen came out as a surprise to many, dominating her freshman campaign and capping it off with a state appearance. From the very beginning, she impressed on the courses across the state. The Rebels opened their 2019 campaign with a run against Clinton, and Soenksen crossed the line first, clocking in just under 22 minutes. From there, she just kept getting better. By the end of the season, she earned her first state berth and the only one for the Lady Rebels. She nearly cracked the top 20 in her first appearance, finishing the race in 20:06.8. That’s nearly two minutes better than her very first race just two months before. “I think it says I achieve a lot, I work hard and try to stay up with the seniors,” Soenksen said. “[I want] to train harder during the winter so I can run faster next season.” NORTHEAST HIGH SCHOOL FRESHMAN CENADY SOENKSEN CHAPY Awards | 2019-2020 15