Chapy Magazine 2019-2020 | Page 14

BOYS CROSS COUNTRY ATHLETE OF THE YEAR “ Dylan’s work ethic is unlike any other. He is always striving to be the best he can be, whether it’s splits at practice, breaking a course record, beating a certain runner, making his teammates better, he wants to be the best. He doesn’t just come in and put in the time. He researches his opponents and the courses, he is constantly working on race strategy. Dylan is such a coachable runner. He has bought into our high expectations and tough practices. ” CAMANCHE HEAD COACH ERIN MONTGOMERY Dylan Darsidan came into 2019 as one of the known forerunners for a state medal. As a sophomore, Darsidan bounced back from an injury and made it to the deck at Fort Dodge with a 7th place finish. He came back ready to do more. In fact, he won every meet until the River Valley Conference meet late in the season where he came in second. That included a chunk of the season ranked as the No. 1 runner in the state. When it came down to it, he knew ranking didn’t matter until it came to his time in Fort Dodge. “I try to think of it as a placeholder until the state meet comes,” Darsidan said. “I want to show that I’m No. 1 at the state meet and that’s when it matters most.” Darsidan won the state meet in 16:02, breaking away from Bellevue’s Brady Griebel in the straight away at Fort Dodge. “It felt amazing,” Darsidan said. “It was one of the best races I’ve had. I got myself in the position I wanted and it felt great.” CAMANCHE HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR DYLAN DARSIDAN 14 CHAPYAwards | 2019-2020