Chaos and Crayons May 2013 | Page 2

Welcome to the introductory issue! Chaos and Crayons is the brainchild of one dedicated mama. Our family consists of myself (Mama Bear), my husband (Papa Bear) and our 2.5 year old son (Zee Bear) I have an older son age 6 (Poobah) who does not live with us at the moment. We are striving to be the best parents that we can, breaking every pre-conceived mold that parents are placed into and running full speed into the unknown. We have been practicing unschooling since birth, are attachment parents, baby wearers, independent thinkers and question ourselves and our actions on a daily basis in persuit of growing and gaining the knowledge to help us be the best parents we can. We both come from fairly authoritarian backgrounds and decided long before Zee Bear was born that we did not want to be those kind of parents. We hope to be a source of laughs, information,advice and relation to our readers and look forward to having a great community of readers! Thanks for checking us out.


For checking out the Zine

Thank You