Strong media campaigns should seek to inform their audience about the relevant cause with methods which expose oppressors using their own action against them. It is equally important to build an online media campaign which is fluid, flexible, and able to respond to reactions of individuals who make up the audiences of such campaigns. Especially with the central use of technology in many of these campaigns, feedback is more instantaneous than ever, and full advantage of the enhanced two-way relationship between producers and users of media should be taken. Much in the way Freire advocated for the student-teacher relationship to be less hierarchical, so should be the relationship between activist media producers and those they hope to inspire to action.
Successful online media campaigns can be seen in parallel with many of the concepts developed by Brazilian educator and philosopher, Paulo Freire. Freire was critical of traditional education models with a rigid power structure of the teacher above the student, as well as image of the student as a container for educators to fill with knowledge; the inflexibility to this system does not allow for development of critical thinking on the part of the student and ignores the value to be gained from an atmosphere of freedom and action within an educational context.