Photo by: Gaia Luziatelli
In the districts of Yauli and
Paucará in Huancavelica and
Haquira in ApurÃmac, several
young people were trained, by
the engineers from Yanapai in
plot mapping using GPS and
questionnaires in the commu-
nity. Their aim is to monitor the
temporal and spatial change of
native potato diversity and to
determine which are the most
common and scarce potatoes
and the influencing factors that
contribute to such phenomena.
This exercise will be repeated
in five years to see the change
over time.
bility of species diversity.
Overall, this case shows that
partnership and cooperation
can accomplish great things.
However, there is still a con-
This initiative has proven that tinuing call for the government
educating the younger gener- to commit to supporting its
ations in using technology is people.
an important element to max-
imize the effective use of natu-
ral resources and maintain sta-