Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce and Convention & Visitors Bureau
Major Impact on Small Businesses
Small businesses represent the largest segment of
most local chamber membership rolls, and the study
indicates that chamber membership has consistent and
powerful benefits for small business members.
If respondents know that a small business is a
member of its local chamber, the business enjoys:
• a 49% increase in its consumer favorability rating
• a 73% increase in consumer awareness
• a 68% increase in its local reputation
• an 80% increase in the likelihood that consumers
will patronize the business in the future.
March 2014
• 29% more likely to report knowing a lot about the
• 36% more likely to think favorably of the company
• 36% more likely to consider buying insurance from
• Among consumers who hold less favorable
opinions of the insurance company, those who are
aware that the company is a member of the chamber
are 25% more likely to consider purchasing insurance
from it.
Among those who have not considered purchasing
insurance there in the past, chamber membership
increases that likelihood by 37%.
* The study was conducted by The Schapiro Group,
Vertical Market Impacts:
an Atlanta-based strategic consulting firm. It was
commissioned by the American Chamber of Commerce Automobile Manufacturers
Executives (ACCE), in cooperation with the Western
When consumers know that an auto manufacturer is
Association of Chamber Executives. The study was
a member of the chamber of commerce, they are:
sponsored by Insperity, a Houston-based company that
• 21% more likely to have a favorable opinion of
provides human resources and other business services
that company
to more than 100,000 businesses nationwide.
• 31% more likely to consider purchasing their next
Vertical Market Impacts:
car from that company
Restaurant Franchises
When consumers know that a national restaurant
franchise is a member of the chamber of commerce,
they are:
Among those who have ever considered buying
a car from a particular auto manufacturer, chamber
membership leads to a 44% increase in consumers’
likelihood of purchasing a car there in the future.
• 68% more likely to eat at the franchise in the next
few months
• 15% more likely
• 58% more likely
• 37% more likely
Established in 1914, ACCE is the only national association
serving the professional development needs of executives and
to report knowing a lot about the managers of chambers of commerce throughout the U.S. and
Canada. Representing more than 7,300 chamber employees,
ACCE enhances the knowledge, leadership skills, and
to eat at the franchise more often
management effectiveness of chamber professionals and their
to think favorably of the franchise. staffs through its education, research, publications, certification,
trends analysis, benchmarking, and promotion of best practices.
who do not eat at the franchise
Among consumers
so often, those who are aware that the franchise is a
member of the chamber are 33% more likely to hold
favorable opinions of the franchise.
Among consumers who hold less favorable opinions
of the restaurant franchise, those who are aware that
the franchise is a member of the chamber are 65%
more likely to eat there in the coming months.
Vertical Market Impacts: Insurance
When consumers know that an insurance company
is a member of the chamber of commerce, they are:
The Western Association of Chamber Executives (WACE)
is a premier organization for education and professional
development for more than 800 chamber executives and staff in
15 Western states and Canada.
Please “JOIN US!” for the following RIBBON CUTTING
Tuesday, March 11, at 11:30 a.m.
Scoreboard Sports Bar & Grill,
23 E. Sixth Ave.