Chamber Vision January and February 2018 | Page 27
Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce and Convention & Visitors Bureau
January and February 2018
CVB to Host Airbnb
Panel Discussion
times and Airbnb appears to be a a safe and healthy option for
2018 - - The Emporia Convention viable alternative. Transient Guest outdoor adventure. Additional
& Visitors Bureau is hosting an Tax, also known as hotel or bed riders will require additional
informative panel discussion for tax, is collected by Airbnb the same lodging. “We are excited that
people interested in learning about as it is collected by our hotels.” Dirty Kanza continues to bring
EMPORIA, Kansas, January 1,
what’s involved in becoming an
Airbnb host. The public is invited
to attend this free educational
event that will take place Tuesday,
January 30, at 6:30 pm, at the
Trusler Business Center, 719
Commercial Street.
Both the Glass Blown Open and
the Dirty Kanza have continued to
grow over the years and 2018 is no
exception. Dynamic Discs Events
Coordinator, Doug Bjerkaas,
says, “The Dynamic Discs Glass
Blown Open has continued to
A representative from the grow rapidly. Disc golfers and
Kansas Department of Revenue disc golf fans from all over the
and local Airbnb hosts will be country and world consider it the
on hand to share information, top destination tournament on
experiences and answer questions. the schedule each year. The 2016
According to, Airbnb’s GBO set the record as the largest
are popular because travelers are tournament in PDGA (Professional
looking for a unique place to stay. Disc Golf Association) history with
Hosts can earn money, they are 1120 participants. The 2018 GBO
in control of availability, pricing, has over 1600 players registered!
house rules, and guest interaction. These guests of Emporia are
They also have 24/7 support from stretching the limits of the current
Airbnb and access to an online hotels and motels. Dynamic Discs
community of experienced hosts. hopes the incredible economic
According to Emporia
Convention & Visitors Bureau
Director, Susan Rathke, “Our
hotels sell out during major events
impact of GBO participants on
Emporia is not limited by our
inability to provide enough
like the Glass Blown Open and A high school gravel race is
Dirty Kanza. There is a need for being added to the line-up at the
additional lodging during these Dirty Kanza this year to encourage
thousands of people to Emporia,
KS. We are beyond thankful to the
folks of Emporia for embracing
this event and the people who
come to participate. However, the
number of people that pour into
Emporia Dirty Kanza weekend far
exceeds the town’s ability to house
them all. While we can’t all be hotel
operators, we can create a win-win
opportunity. Through programs
like Air BnB, you can turn your
basement, your home, or even
just a single room into a lodging
opportunity for out of town guests.
Not only will you earn extra cash
for yourself, Air BnB’s are subject
to the same Tourist Tax that
hotels are. That means tourist tax
dollars will be captured and used
to improve Emporia. Listing your
home, or a room in it is an amazing
way to get paid while helping
to serve this great community!”
says Dirty Kanza Promotions
Operations Manager, LeLan Dains.