Chamber Vision January 2017 | Page 17

Group Lunch Wednesday , February 1

Group Lunches are an excellent way to network ! You will be paired up with a group of 4-6 other Emporia Area Chamber members to enjoy lunch at a local Chamber member restaurant . Each month , be paired up with a different group at a different restaurant and get to know new people !
Lunch is on your own .
Register now for the February 1 Group Lunch by calling 620-342-1600 or email Jessica at jcrumb @ emporiakschamber . org
You will receive an email the day before with what restaurant you will be meeting your group at .
Mark your calendar for our other 2017 Group Lunch Dates !
March 1 April 5 May 3 June 7 July 5
August 2 September 6 October 4 November 1 December 6