Chamber Business Connection CBC Vol.3, Issue 10 | Page 11

SAXTON 60TH ANNIVERSARY In Fact his son, John W. Saxton, noted during our interview that one day, a few years ago, Bill just came in to his office and boxed up all of his awards then stored them away. “He, doesn’t need all of that,’’ Bill isn’t the type to brag about his accomplishments. Bill Saxton has certainly made an impact on the local community over his 88 years of life. Here is a quick list of a few of his community accomplishments: • • • • Bill was instrumental in the fair housing initiatives that allowed for individuals to receive proper hous- ing options regardless of race, color or creed. Bill served on the Southwest zoning commission. He served on Grove City, City Council, 2 years as the president in charge of zoning,in this role he was instrumental in the development of Stringtown Rd. He also served as Chairman of the Education Foundation , where he was very vocal in the passing of a levy in the early 2000’s that brought athletic programs back to the Grove City students. But one of his greatest accomplishments Working for Saxton he noted was when he served as the church president of St. John’s Lutheran church in west Columbus. In each of these roles Saxton always carried with him the duty of service, a duty that he takes very seriously and holds dear. A family man Owning and operating your own busi- ness is a labor of love and can make it hard for someone to have time for their family , friends or any other type of per- sonal life. 1. Honestly- always conduct business with integrity. Bill Saxton has 6 children (4 biological and 2 adopted) and 23 grandchildren. As he watches his legacy grow, he reflects back on all it took to provide an oppor- tunity for them all. His son, John will be his successor when Bill finally decided to retire… which from our conversation does not seem to be any time soon. 2. Hard work, expect to give it your all the first few years. 3. Communicate with your staff and your employees often. Saxton’s New look For those who have driven past the saxton sign on Broadway, you may have noticed a change in the signage. “ Everyone should have a chance to grow”. John Saxton was an advocate for the new look. “ Young buyers today don’t know what that thing is on the old sign” he said jokingly referencing the old rotary telephone that was once the company’s logo. “ We have a door around here” he said “ but it never closes” Katie Antry, one of Saxton’s agents chimed in. “Working here doesn’t feel like corporate america. I can always rely on Bill to give me sound advice or yell at me when I need it. We can come to him with anything from professional to personal.” Many staff members have been employed with Saxton for years, In fact, one of their oldest employees worked there for 40 years, before retiring. Want your business to last 60 years? Here are a few tips from Bill Saxton himself on how to stay strong in business. Although, Bill spent countless hours building his business he never missed an important event in the life of his children. He did have to miss much of the day to day household operations but when it came to special events, sporting games and school functions. He was always there. Saxton has employed many agents over the years. Some of them moving on to earn their brokers license, which Bill encourages. In the Saxton office, team members are treated more like family than employees. Bill has an “open door policy” for all of his agents. 5 TIPS FOR BUSINESS LONGEVITY When deciding on a new look Bill did not hesitate, as a salesman he understands how important it is to be relevant in your market his only request was “ just bury me with the phone”, and he does in fact have an old rotary phone in his office, ( wonder if it still works?) 4. 5. Relationship and Networking. Network- ing is the key to building your business and keeping it relevant. Customer Service, doing the right thing everytime. “WE HAVE A DOOR, BUT IT NEVER CLOSES” Saxton’s may have a new look but the team and it’s mission remains the same for the past 60 years, “ People serving people” , a philosophy the ensures their customers always recieve, diamond service. CHAMBER BUSINESS CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 2019 | 11