Chamber Business Connection CBC Vol.3, Issue 10 | Page 10

SAXTON 60TH ANNIVERSARY DIAMOND SERVICE Saxton Real Estate turns 60 What started as a simple house hunting task, led to 60 years of “People serving People”’. Bill Saxton, a name that many in this area know very well, owns and operates Saxton Real Estate, a 60 year old real estate agency with an award winning track record for quality service. But not many know the story of how it all begain. It all started with a house hunting experience . “ I went out one day to look for a home for my family. said Bill Saxton, reflecting on the expe- rience which led him to his career in real estate, “ I found a lot of bodies ready to show me a house but not a single true salesman.” Bill Saxton and that legendary phone. was working with Westgate Realtors. While employed with them he went back to school to obtain a realtor’s license . In 1959, Bill acquired his brokers license and opened up his first Saxton Real Estate office that summer at 18 N. Harris Ave in west Columbus. Saxton wanted to ensure that under his new agency every agent received proper training in the areas of sales and customer services. He started his own Saxton training school for all employees. It was and still is important to him that every customer is heard and provided with the best service. From this initial experience Bill concluded that there was a great need in the community, when it came to housing, individuals needs weren’t being heard and many people were left un- served and unsatisfied. As his company grew, Saxton expanded into rental properties, purchasing a complex and an office in Grove City, where he remains until this day. Bill prides himself on the fact that he serves everyone he meets with respect, regardless of background, income or any other factor that could cause discrimiation. Bill believes every- one has the right to live in quality housing. Recognized as an influential individual in the southwestern community, Bill Saxton’s office was once filled with awards and other accolades from the past 60 years. Despite his success and recognition, he remains humble, Bill is not one to boast about awards or achievements. His first opportunity in the field of real estate, 10 | CHAMBER BUSINESS CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 2019 A Community Man