- My team is very important to me I rely on
them and they rely on me. I lead by example,
so I always set a standard. I do this because
it creates a non negotiable level of productivity which helps us all work towards common
- How would you define success?"
I measure success with the results achieved
by the company and the productivity of my
department. As a department I think that we
are only as good as the last task completed.
Historic reference of performance helps me
to set my personal goals and for my team.!
- Decisive, a good communicator, friendly but
firm management style. Someone who is flexible in approach and is team orientated.!
- Can I ask you what your salary requirements are?"
- I am looking for a salary that reflects my experience and my educational background.!
- What hobbies and interests do you
- I like keeping fit, I try to go bike riding at
the weekends.!
- If you had a member of your team
who was sick and you had an important deadline, how would you
- How long have you been doing
- About 5 years.!
- If I was at team member down,
planning would be critical as the
deadline could be effected. I am
a flexible manager who always
maintains a high level of interaction. If such a situation occurred, I
would expect more from my team and
I am sure that they would adhere. I
may introduce a non monetary incentive to help motivate them to achieve
the end result.!
- Great, ok I would like to ask
you about motivation, what
motivates you?"
- Professionally and personally, I
am optimistic in nature. I find a
clients feedback the most rewarding
part of a process. If they are happy
they will return, spend more money
with the company and ultimately provide the company and me with more
- Ok, lets turn to your strengths,
what would you say they were?"
- Thank you for coming in today,
we have had a tremendous response for this position so we
would appreciate your patience. "
- What about your weaknesses?"
We are holding second interviews
within the next month and we will
be notifying everyone shortly. Could
I ask if you have any questions for
- I would have to say that planning
is one of my main strengths. The
process is very rewarding, especially when results are achieved.!
- I have a high attention for detail,
sometimes I have been known to
check something more than necessary. I have recently attended
an international time management course to address this.!
- If I asked you to name some of the qualities of a good manager, what would you
- Yes, I read recently that your organisation promotes training, do you offer
this at all levels?!
- Yes we do, all our management positions
are filled internally. It’s something we are
very proud of as a company."
- Thank you!
- Your welcome, let me show you out."