Israel Reflections
Hineini Scrolls
The Wall--The Kotel--The Western Wall--The Wailing Wall
How did you and your family use the action
on your Hineini Scroll?
All of the above point to one direction, ISRAEL!
It is a centuries-old tradition to place a note with a prayer or request in the Western Wall.
Except you don’t have
to go all that way to
Jerusalem to place a note
in the Kotel.
Your Temple Chai
family will be taking
your notes from our
wall in the lobby with
them in December, as
they experience the
beauty and history of the
Jewish people in the land
of Israel.
Of course this will all transpire before
sunrise on a brisk fall Sunday morning,
but if that’s what’s needed that is what
will happen. Thank you Temple Chai, for
making me look like a hero to my niece.
We hope that you’ll be
bringing them in 2015.
Temple Chai Israel Committee
Drew Semmelman says: I randomly
selected a card which read…”offer someone
a ride who would otherwise have no way of
reaching their destination.” A few days later
it was revealed to me that my niece, who
is doing her first marathon in a few weeks
had no way of getting from her apartment
to the event. So without hesitation I called
her up and told her she wouldn’t have to
worry about how she was going to get to
the start line. I will make the drive into the
city, pick her up at her apartment, and get
her to where she needs to be.
Hineini Scrolls may be obtained from the
Hineini Box in the Heinrich Foyer or by
sending an e-mail to