C'est La Vie - A teenager's guide around the world | Page 17

Dear journal

Before my trip, I was worried that I would struggle a lot with communicating with the locals of the city because I've never really grown accustom to the french language. However, one thing I noticed when we arrived was that it's pretty easy to pick up on the french language. The more I heard the language, the more I got used to it and I found that I learned pretty quickly. I really enjoyed the whole culture and ambience of Paris. I would love to go back again to Paris for a longer period of time because of the incredible experience I had there. There are many fun things to do and see that I feel that I missed out on and would like to see even more of the city.

I really liked Paris, and want to go back there again for an extended period of time. There’s so many fun things to do, and every part of town has a ton of diverse attractions that can keep anyone entertained. I'm glad to say that my trip to Paris has been one of the best times of my life and i wouldn't ask to change it for anything.

This is a breif analysis on my trip to Paris. I talk about my expectations on Paris before I came, and how my prior expectations match my first reaction to the city