CentrAL INC! | Central Alabama Business Journal Sept/Oct 2023 | Page 26

Mission : To assist senior citizens by providing services to promote independent living , by offering opportunities to enhance their quality of life and by increasing community awareness of senior issues .
Background : The Montgomery Area Council on Aging , now Meals on Wheels Montgomery AL Metro Area , has served seniors in the metro area for more than 50 years . In May 2023 , the organization voted to change its name as a way to bring more attention to the needs of our current clients and expand in the communities we serve . Since 1972 , we have promoted independent , dignified and meaningful living for senior citizens through a variety of programs that offer hope , care , sustenance and opportunity to more than 5,000 seniors each month . With the name change , we will continue this work and build a stronger identification with our lifeline service so seniors can find us . Currently , MOW is delivering 431 hot meals each weekday to homebound seniors .
Brag Lines :
• MOW has 1000-plus volunteers .
• In 2022 , MOW served 626 clients and provided 145,571 total meals .
• MOW serves approximately 140 dogs and 90 cats twice a month , amounting to approximately 700-800 pounds of pet food distributed each month .
• Since 1972 , MOW has served more than 4.6 million meals to seniors in the Montgomery metro area .
UPCOMING EVENTS : November 9 2nd Annual “ The Breakfast ” The Power of a Knock
Donations and volunteers . Visit our website to find more information on both .
115 East Jefferson Street , Montgomery / 334-263-0532 / mowmama . org
26 CentrAL Inc !