UPCOMING EVENTS : September 17 : Shindig presented by Child Protect ’ s Junior Executive Board
November 3 : Swingin ’ Fore Kids , Child Protect ’ s annual golf tournament
Mission : To interview , counsel and be an advocate for children when there are allegations of abuse .
Background : Child Protect , Children ’ s Advocacy Center , was incorporated in November 1989 as a 501 ( c ) 3 nonprofit agency . Former Madison County prosecutor , Alabama Congressman Bud Cramer , had the concept of the advocacy centers in the early 1980s . He established the first center in Huntsville as a child-friendly environment where children can come and tell their story one time to a trained professional , thus lessening the trauma on the child and their families . Child Protect serves Montgomery County , the 15th Judicial Circuit .
• Gift cards from Walmart , Costco , Target
• Gas cards
• Copy paper
• Toilet paper
• Paper towels
• Individually packaged snacks
• Bottled water
• Box drinks
• 5-pack crayons & coloring books
• Journals
Brag Lines : The staff here continues to show up every day ready to serve . The show up to help children and their families who are often in crisis . They provide forensic interviews , counseling and advocacy to support their client ’ s healing .
935 S . Perry Street , Montgomery / 334-262-1220 / childprotect . org
20 CentrAL Inc !