Should You Drink Flavoured Water ?
May 2017 CentralBeat / FitBeat Page 27
This Is Your Body On Protein
Blame its reputation on shake-guzzling bodybuilders and elite athletes , or the Paleo and Atkins diet fads , but we often think of protein as a muscle-building tool . It turns out that this macronutrient , which is composed of amino acids , does much more than that .
“ Protein is also essential for immunity , energy levels , and building and repairing our entire bodies ,” says Desiree Nielsen , a registered dietitian in Vancouver .
Truth is , almost every tissue in the body needs protein : Your hair and nails are primarily made of it , and your bones , brain , skin and liver all use the amino acids derived from protein to function . Those amino acids build enzymes and hormones , including insulin . The body also uses protein to make hemoglobin , the part of our blood that delivers oxygen to our tissues . The good news for North Americans is we typically get more than enough protein . The not-so-great news ? We ’ re not consuming it consistently . Unlike the two other macronutrients ( carbohydrates and fats ), protein cannot be stored in the body , so it ’ s important that it ’ s evenly distributed across our meals . Nielsen notes that women typically skimp on it at breakfast and lunch , then load up at dinnertime , which sets us up to give in to those 3 p . m . carb cravings .
“ Protein is what makes you feel full and satisfied , which helps regulate your appetite ,” she says . “ It also helps balance the rate at which your blood sugar climbs , preventing spikes and crashes .” So while avocado toast , kale salad and fruit smoothies are packed with nutrients , complement them with sources of protein for really healthy eating .
Sprinkling three tablespoons of hemp seeds ( 10 grams of protein ) on oatmeal , adding a threequarter cup of plain Greek yogurt ( 18 grams of protein ) to a smoothie or tossing grilled chicken ( 25 grams of protein , which is about the size of a deck of cards ) into a salad , for example , are easy ways to increase your intake throughout the day . Protein powders and bars can also be convenient ways to get a boost , but read the ingredients first . “ Some powders have additives or are high in sugar or , worse , artificial sweeteners ,” says Nielsen . “ And some bars are like candy with protein sprinkled in them .”
Stuart Phillips , a kinesiology professor at McMaster University in Hamilton , says adults should consume 0.72 grams of protein daily for every pound of body weight . ( For a 140-pound woman , that ’ s about 100 grams each day .) He explored the impact of protein on women ’ s weight loss in a 2011 study , published in The Journal of Nutrition , which found that the combination of a higher protein diet and exercise leads to losing fat but retaining muscle . “ Losing weight by losing muscle is largely pointless , because muscle burns calories ,” says Phillips .
Keep in mind that not all protein sources are tops . In 2015 , the World Health Organization stated that processed red meats can cause colorectal cancer . A 2011 study from the Harvard T . H . Chan School of Public Health in Boston found that both processed and unprocessed red meats can increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes , while a study published last October in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that consuming animal protein is linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular mortality . ( Plant-based proteins carry a significantly lower risk .)
That said , there ’ s still hope for bacon fans . “ If you ’ re a redmeat lover , enjoy it ,” says Nielsen . “ Have it once a week , and the rest of the time , eat chicken , fish or plant-based proteins .” Waist watcher : Compared with exercising on an empty stomach , eating a high-protein meal before a 30-minute workout is a more effective way for women to burn calories , says a 2015 study out of the University of Arkansas .
Post workout pain relief : Still feeling achy days after exercising ? Protein helps build and repair muscles , so low levels can result in slower recovery from extreme physical activity . Power breakfast : A University of Missouri researcher found that women who eat high-protein breakfasts maintain better glucose and insulin control , which researchers think may protect them from developing diabetes . Superfood myth : Quinoa is super healthy , but it ’ s not as high in protein as most of us think . Half a cup of cooked quinoa has about four grams of protein . Half a cup of cooked wheat berries ( 5.2 grams ) is a better bet . Slumber helper : A 2016 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that increasing protein — while reducing overall calories — improved overweight adults ’ quality and quantity of sleep . Immune booster : If you ’ re always catching a cold , you might be low on protein . Your immune system is made up of proteins , so if you ’ re not getting enough , you have a greater risk for infection . Soy good : Researchers from England ’ s University of Hull found that women in early menopause who ate diets rich in soy protein and isoflavones were better protected from weakening bones and osteoporosis . Muscle builder : As we age , we lose muscle strength and mass , also known as sarcopenia . Folks aged 65 and older should aim to get about one to 1 1 / 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day . Numbers game : How do your favourite foods stack up when it comes to protein ? 2 tbsp smooth peanut butter = 2g 1 cup skim milk = 8 g 1 / 2 cup edamame = 9 g plain bagel = 10 g 3 / 4 cup plain yogurt = 12 g 150 g tofu = 12 g 175 g cooked lentils = 15 g 75 g baked salmon = 18 g 75 g light tuna = 22 g 75 g tenderloin steak = 23 g
( Canadian Living )
5 Mental Mistakes You ’ re Making at the Gym
You may have the best intentions when it comes to working out , but sometimes your mind just gets in the way . Have you ever said “ I ’ ll start tomorrow ?” or given up after one really tough workout , convincing yourself you just don ’ t have the time anyway ? You ’ re not alone .
“ Women are constantly overshadowed by obstacles they cannot shake !” says Carla Lundblade , a licensed clinical therapist who works with some of the country ’ s top professional sports stars and celebrities from her practice in Beverly Hills . “ They will most likely not achieve their workout goals because they are not preparing themselves enough mentally for the many challenges ahead .”
If you focus on coaching yourself psychologically rather than just physically , you ’ ll get better results , Lundblade says . “ Sports psychologists and therapists have studied MRI scans which show how important emotions and mental imagery are to the physical gift of an athlete ,” she explains . “ Women can incorporate brain training techniques very quickly that will make their physical training programmes more effective and give them a competitive edge .”
Here are five mental mistakes you may be making at the gym — and how to change your brain for better results !
1 . Low Self-Esteem Maybe you ’ re just not confident
Every day , we ’ re presented with new , potentially better-for-us options when it comes to re-fueling after our intense training sessions . Flavoured and micronutrient enhanced water is the latest option to enter the market . These drinks fall somewhere between water and a traditional sports drink . Should you use them ? First , let ’ s look at what the three most popular drinks are offering you .
Zero-calorie VitaminWater offers flavoured waters that are enhanced with a variety of select vitamins and minerals . Depending on the flavour you select , a bottle of VitaminWater Zero will contain 6 to 150 percent of the recommended daily value for a combination of the following vitamins and minerals : potassium , vitamin A , calcium , vitamin C , vitamin B3 , vitamin B6 , vitamin B12 , vitamin B5 , zinc , chromium , and magnesium .
Low-calorie Gatorade , G2 Low Calorie , is slightly different from VitaminWater Zero , as it contains 30 calories per 12 oz ( and 7g of sugar ) and is enhanced only with electrolytes , potassium , and sodium .
Powerade Zero is more similar to VitaminWater Zero , as it contains
enough to meet your fitness goals . “ This is a problem that has everything to do with mental skills training and requires regular positive reinforcement coaching ,” Lundblade says . Try picking a personal trainer who provides plenty of support , or a workout buddy who can encourage you along the way . 2 . Fear of Failure It can be embarrassing and discouraging to hit the workout circuit and feel like you can ’ t keep up with other women . “ Women are highly affected by what other people think of them and their performance ,” Lundblade says . “ I ’ ve seen a lot of women quit working out due to the fear of failing and it ’ s a travesty .” The bottom line here ? Don ’ t worry about what other people think , if you keep at it , you ’ ll be up to their level in no time . 3 . Great Expectations Putting too much pressure on yourself to reach your fitness goals can also be a confidence buster . “ One small hiccup can plague a whole workout and training program ,” Lundblade says . “ When we have a bad experience , a mental block is developed . But the good news is we can train the brain to overcome this .” 4 . Perfectionism No one is perfect , so don ’ t try to be . “ Most top athletes will tell you their performance is either ‘ perfect ’ or ‘ awful ’ and there is no in-between , but that ’ s not realistic for most people . Most women need coaching or a group of friends to help them deal with failure and re-package it to their benefit .” 5 . Motivation How you deal with stress may be affecting your performance at the gym . “ A person may be feeling stressed and compensating with bad habits like overindulging in alcohol , thereby affecting her workout motivation .” If you could instead channel that stress into your workout , you ’ ll be killing two birds with one proverbial stone .
( Shape . com )
Should You Drink Flavoured Water ?
zero calories and is enhanced with the electrolytes — sodium , potassium , calcium , and magnesium , as well as vitamins B3 , vitamin B6 , and vitamin B12 .
With all these flavoured water options containing subtle differences , it can be confusing to determine which is best for you , or whether you should just drink water ? If you exercise long enough ( more than 60 minutes ) and are sweating a significant amount , thus losing key minerals called electrolytes , then the use of a flavoured zero calorie beverage to replace these lost key nutrients during exercise is fine . In this case a flavoured water with electrolytes is better than plain water .
However , the use of flavoured water over regular water after exercise is usually unnecessary and more of a matter of personal preference . The electrolytes lost during exercise will be replenished once you eat your next meal . And the other non-electrolyte vitamins and minerals provided in these kinds of drinks are not generally nutrients of concern in people ’ s diets as a whole , so you ’ ll get adequate levels of these vitamins and minerals simply by eating a wellrounded and healthy diet .