Center Focus 1-16 ALL.pdf Center Focus May 2014 | Page 5

Tom would go on to serve as a Navy dentist at the Marine Corp Air Station, El Toro CA, for two years. Tom later owned a private practice for 32 years, but before he retired, he realized he had an obligation to provide for his retirement and for the education of their seven children. So, being a renaissance man, he decided to enroll at the University of Southern California in order to become a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). Although his original intentions were purely personal, he had the opportunity to start a wealth management firm, Keller and Coad, which has morphed into First Foundation Advisors, an investment management, wealth planning, consulting, trust and banking firm with multi-billions of dollars under management. When Cynthia was elected County Supervisor in 1999, Tom retired in order to volunteer in her office. Now, all children have university degrees (the majority have post graduate degrees and all good jobs) and Tom and Cynthia have a comfortable retirement. Q&A What are your hobbies? Cynthia: travel, painting watercolors and reading mystery novels in Spanish. Tom: travel, building museum-quality model ships and cross-country rally racing antique cars. Looking back, what do you value the most from your time at Dowling and St. Joe’s? What should students be aware of today? Cynthia: study methods, how to be outgoing, lifelong friends, values. Tom: Dowling Catholic students today have been given the opportunity learn great moral values and develop integrity. More than anything else, these virtues will lead to success and happiness. Don’t waste this opportunity! During these years Cynthia, with strong guidance and support from Tom, had the most important job in the family – raising their seven children. As the children grew into adults, she completed a Doctorate in Education when she was 50, became a self-help author, was a finalist in the President’s Teacher in Space competition, was a col