3 Correct Revlimid Patients
-New Patient Starts Patient: A MM patient at 1st relapse who doesn’t require immediate hospitalization and you are considering next steps
-Short Runner/Duration Patient: A MM patient who has recently started on Revlimid therapy and you are currently managing this patient through their treatment
-Renal Impaired Patient: A MM patient at 1st relapse who doesn’t require immediate hospitalization, however has some renal impairment and you are considering next steps
Revlimid Market Research
-Latest Market Research supports our Correct Patients and strategy to focus on the largest patient pools – non-hospitalised standard risk patients, and those with some renal impairment
-Key Selling Messages are being heard by customers and have a high credibility rating – in particular a high rate of CR/VGR and oral formulation helps patients spend more time at home
-26% of doctors intend to increase Revlimid prescribing in 2013
Tactics & new materials
-Tactics for the remainder of 2013:
oXavier Leleu presentations in WA, SA & VIC
oHSANZ & Dimopoulos presentations in QLD, NSW & VIC
oRevlimid patient program – RevLife (launch at HSANZ)
oRevlimid dosing app (Q4)
oUpdated MM sales aid
Focus for the rest of 2013
-Early use (1st choice at 1st relapse)
-Treatment until progression (decrease Short Runners to <20%)
-Focus on the non-hospitalised patients (and the renal impaired sub-set of these patients)
-50 patient starts per month
-$58.5 million sales target
On a side note, I feel I should warn you the Silver Surfer was bitterly disappointed there was no Sales Aid role playing. As the Surfer is no longer part of the MM team, She-Ra and I can’t say what kind of retribution he may seek. It may be best if you sleep with your fancy iron suit on...
Once again, we would like to say if there are any openings at future Sales Vidaza conferences to talk about Revlimid & Thalomid, She-Ra and I would be humbled if you think of us.
Yours Sincerely,