"Same, same but different"
True to form, the Celgene shopping team performed above expectations.
Assisted by a well prepared guide from Sarah and a very helpful concierge, the pre conference reconnaissance team of Fiona, Emily, Merryl, Jacinta and Joanne were very successful.
Zara and Mango did not know what hit them, with 5 girls exclaiming over the prices compared to home.
Once again the markets were a highlight with ICE watches in every colour of the rainbow making appearances throughout the week. Special mention to Rosie for her well thought out colour coordination of Raybans and outfits, its amazing what you can achive on a tight budget.
Elastigirls, Jacinta and Joanne visited every shoe stall in the markets attempting to obtain the largest size Nike Freerunners available. It appears Malaysians have much smaller feet than Aussies!
Despite every stall holder assuring us, they had the size required. All would return empty handed offering an alternative that did not quite meet the brief. Same, same but differentt
The stand out shopper of this trip has to be Alex, who exhausted every possible avenue trying to find 'little girls dresses'. Always hopeful that somewhere just around the corner would be exactly what he needed. Last heard muttering on the way through customs.....'just need to find some little girls dresses!'
All in all, another wonderful experience that we would gladly repeat again.
Magazinein/January, 2012 3
sUPER shopping
By Elastigirl