Celebration Life Magazine March 2021 Celebration L | Page 6

- WHAT ’ S MOVING ? - The Group Effect

- WHAT ’ S MOVING ? - The Group Effect

By Emily Moore -
Last year brought about many challenges for all of us . Our lives were turned upside down , and many of our daily routines were forced to change . For many of us , our workouts went from exercising in big groups to exercising by ourselves and in our homes . I experienced this first-hand . I went from teaching 6 group fitness classes a week to trying to squeeze in a run outside or a yoga session in my living room . I can ’ t speak for everybody , but I think many of you feel the same way I do about working out at home . It ’ s just not the same .
Life is still not back to “ normal ,” but we are starting to see people returning to the places they used to go with added safety protocols . Gyms and fitness studios have opened and are doing their best to safely bring group exercise options back into people ’ s lives . For many , working out with a group of people is the only thing that motivates them to workout at all . I am a fitness professional and truly love to workout , and even I found it incredibly hard to find the motivation to exercise without my classes . My passion for fitness started many years ago with group fitness classes , and now I see more than ever how powerful the group effect is when it comes to fitness .
I will never forget my first group fitness class when I was in high school . I always enjoyed working out , but I was completely hooked with the power of working out with a group to great music . It was a place to meet friends , challenge myself , and push my fellow classmates to work harder , too . The music drove the entire workout , and I left on such an endorphin high , that I knew I wanted to teach group fitness classes someday . I am constantly in awe of how group fitness brings people together , holds people accountable , and makes working out fun .
There has been lots of research on the power of the group in regards to exercise . Studies show that people who start a weight-loss program with friends are 95 % more likely to complete the program . If we think about this in group fitness terms , the entire class is likely to work harder , challenge themselves , and complete the class with their “ motivational pack ” taking the class as well . We don ’ t even have to know anybody in the class personally to be motivated by them . It happens automatically . Everybody that walks through the door to the group fitness studio is a part of an unspoken team that will feed off each other ’ s energy . Here are just a few specific benefits you get from working out with a group :
It will increase your commitment to a fitness routine : The consistency of your workouts will increase when you workout with a crowd . When you decide to take a class at a specific time with a specific instructor that you know wants you there , you will be much more likely to make this class a priority on a weekly basis . It ’ s like positive peer pressure . Group fitness also increases your consistency and commitment to your workouts because you don ’ t have to create your own workouts . You don ’ t have to think ,“ what exercises should I do today ?” Classes are choreographed for you already , so it takes any guesswork or thinking away . This will make you more inclined to go because you just get to follow .
It ’ s FUN ! And the time goes fast ! In my opinion , it ’ s a lot more fun to workout to great music and feed off the energy of a group of people . Time goes by a lot faster in a group fitness class than just exercising on a cardio machine or doing weights on your own .
You will push yourself harder : There are studies that show we push ourselves harder when we are working out with people who are fitter than us . Seeing what others are capable of doing can inspire you to do more . Studies also show that working out with a partner or group improves performance and doubles the workout time compared to those who exercised alone . Opting for the group setting at least a couple times a week will most likely push you past the time and intensity thresholds you tend to hit when working out solo .