Cedar Sentinel 2013-2014 Issues February 2014: Issue 47 Issue 5 | Page 16

A Hero’s Journey Once, there livedtheanground, past her ahorizon. ordinary girl in vast kingdom. It stretched upon Yet her home was in a small village called Lincoln. A comfortable haven, with a bursting skyline. Throughout the peaceful quiet starry night, The mighty dragon Cyrus made an invasion. Once a wondrous nation, a behold to all sights Now was nothing but an open abrasion. A war was commenced against the immense Dragon. A treaty was offered, which he arrogantly decline. Once a powerful skyline, now impossible to imagine. A war that doomed all that lived within the border line. As troops rallied as soldiers through the town, Claire hid. Day after day, they marched past her house oblivious. Yet, the war became more demanding, taking even young kids. However, Claire would not change her view of dubious. One day as Claire concealed to a small vacant stable, She came to discover it had a new unknown tenant. While, her instinct told her to run, she was unable. The man before her was the army’s first lieutenant. “There is bravery in fighting for a cause child, Even when the risk may cost you your life. Yet there is foolery to take refuge in the wild.” And then he was gone, free of any more strife. Throughout the whole night Claire could not sleep, Battling between her wishful desires and righteous conscious. Caught between living as a hawk or H