Cedar Sentinel 2013-2014 Issues February 2014: Issue 47 Issue 5 | Page 11
So let’s say you know for some ridiculously sensible reason
that we humans decided to not judge people based on
appearances, history and initial impressions. Let’s say for
some utterly unethical morally right motive that we humans, all brothers and sisters, decided to see the beauty in
the fact the we are all in fact different.1 Let’s say, and I ask
that you stay with me here because I know what I’m saying
is getting pretty far-fetched and borderline crazy, but still
let’s say that we, I don’t know, maybe give people a chance
to be themselves and show what they can do. Let’s say we
don’t take a right that was never ours. Let’s say we don’t
judge. I wonder where that would take us, the human race.
Where would that take our people? Where would that take
our society? Where would it take this world?2
The saddest part is some people cannot even begin to
fathom what it would be like to live among non-judgmental humans, but I am here to let you know there is hope.
This hope can be seen in the fact that we can sit down and
watch Disney movies even though it was believed that
Walt lacked creativity. In the fact that we know e=mc^2
even though Einstein didn’t talk till he was four and did
not read until he was seven. The hope for our race can be
seen in the fact we know what gravity is even though Isaac
Newton failed at school and work, that we have Socrates
philosophies even though he was a believed corrupter and
was sentenced to death, and that we have planes and light
bulbs even though the Wright brothers and Thomas Edison failed over and over and over. We have been blessed
with leaders like Winston Churchill who was defeated in
every election until he was 62 and Abraham Lincoln who
was downgraded to a private in the army. It can be seen
in entertainers like Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe,
Stephen Spielberg, J.K Rowling, Mozart, Michael Jordan
and the Beatles all who had set backs and were considered
to be failures and good for nothings based on the inaccurate judgments of other people and yet look how all of that
turned out for us. These people are all signs that somewhere out in the world there were other people that looked
past pre-made judgments and gave chance for all of them
to prove themselves at one point or another.
We often forget it matters not what we see but rather that we see what matters
Nicole Carnegie
In every instance of misjudgment we are presented with the possibility that if the people who were misjudged did not
get past the opinions of others and persevere in life this world would be sorely lacking in many good and beneficial
things. This raises the question that what happened to all those who were unable to get past how they were judged by
others. How much better could our world be if those certain people had not been judged? Being unjustly judgmental
brings pain not only to the person it I happening to but can also harm so many others i