Cedar Sentinel 2013-2014 Issues April 2014: Volume 47 Issue 6 | Page 3
A Fashionista’s Palace
The great icons of fashion walk her streets.
Not for the Eiffel Tower, instead to listen as fashions heart
Designers bow to the art she forms and creates,
And quintessential styles that she, and she alone makes.
The stylish dream of being embraced by her beauty and a
lifestyle in complete lavish.
She’s a Fashionista’s Palace, but we’ve nicknamed her
At midnight the wise wine and dine.
Women appear in dresses, that reveal the structure of their
Justice Iris
The elegance of such a place is nothing to replace.
I recommend seeing it face to face.
I dare you to come alas, to a place where
there is never an empty wine glass.
Where all troubles seems to come to pass,
A place that to most is just a dream where several celebrities are commonly seen.
A Fashionista’s Palace is merely a place consumed by
artistic passion,
A place that has a heart for nothing but fashion.
In the above poem
entitled “A Fashionista’s Palace”, I have in essence described my thoughts about
the ideals of Paris, from a
fashion point of view. Several
celebrities as well as everyday people seem to have
become obsessed with the
idea of Paris and all that it has
to offer. However, the typical
person that sees this place as
an ideal has a keen interest in
the idea of fashion, whether
it be as society sees it or how
they themselves see it. I myself have become somewhat
infatuated with the poetic
appeal that this particular
place promotes. It is astonishing, how a single place
has put this tilt in the fashion
industry, and has made itself
a somewhat icon for what we
as society perceive as fashion. The poem above merely
creates a slight ripple affect in
the depth of this topic, however I believe that the lack of
depth allows for you the reader to pursue this idea further.
My intent was only to chisel
at the basis of what Paris has
done to the Fashion industry.
Paris to me is quintessential
when it comes to the poetry
of a country. I myself continue to be fascinated with
this place, and would hope
that you the reader would as
well. This is only the beginning
for A Fashionista’s Palace.