Cedar Sentinel 2013-2014 Issues April 2014: Volume 47 Issue 6 | Page 2
Sierra Arbeau
wanted to go. The aspect of travel- the value of each country, and pos has always been intoxicatingly sibly learn something that you nevling
exciting in my eyes. Discovering the er knew before. I also hope that
many wonders of the world has al- you enjoy every bit of writing that
ways been a dream of mine, and I’m these talented writers have submit
For this issue, I wanted to excited to share it with you through ted! I want to stress the idea of
give you something a little different this mini adventure through culture. travelling the world, because nevwith a unique flair. I was very ur- I was getting tired of the ‘same old, er once did God ever say to stay in
gent on the fact that I wanted to same old’ themes that we’ve of- one area to witness to others. He
give you a little taste of culture. The ten dealt with over the years, so I wants you to witness to the world,
theme of this issue, as you may have thought that this may be something which also means exploring it. God
guessed, is travelling the world. I kind of different from the usual. has created such beautiful placpicked France for the first page, be- So as you move from page to page, es; nothing should go unnoticed.
cause it’s somewhere I have always I hope that you properly take in
Psalm 139:9-10
If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead
me, and your right hand shall hold me.
Sincerely, Sierra Arbeau
Cindy Nababan
The moment I stepped out of Toronto Pearson Airport, I knew that this
country would shift a whole new world for
my 12 year old self. A new school, a new society, and a new culture. Since then, my eyes
have been widely opened to the differences
in this world. Instead of excluding myself
from the differences in the world, I try to
accept and love them like how God would.
Sierra’s issue about travelling brings out
a unique essence of the different countries
accross the globe. Its visual aspect alone
gives you a chance to realize how special
God has made each country and its citizens.
And although we may be different in every
other aspects, God wants everyone to be
united in praising and glorifying His name.
Phillipians 2:10-11
so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue
confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father
Sincerely, Cindy Nebaban