CDU Inaugural Women of Distinction 2022 | Page 5

Sharon Cobb , Ph . D , RN , MSN , MPH , PHN


Dr . Sharon Cobb is the Director of the Prelicensure Nursing Programs ( Prelicensure BSN , RN-BSN ), MSN Entry Level Masters ) and an Assistant Professor in the Mervyn M . Dymally School of Nursing at Charles R . Drew University of Medicine and Science ( CDU ). She received her PhD in Nursing Science from University of California , Los Angeles ( UCLA ), in which her research focused on chronic physical and mental health issues among older African Americans . Dr . Cobb is a current fellow in the Clinical Research Education and Career Development ( CRECD ) program , funded by the National Institute of Minority Health and Disparities . Additionally , she is the Program Mentor for two pipeline programs at CDU that assist ethnically diverse students to pursue a doctoral degree in nursing at both UCLA and UC Irvine . Dr . Cobb has served as a co-Principal Investigator on several grants focused on Cancer Survivorship and Caregiving among African American and Latinx groups .
CDU Inaugural Women of
Distinction 2022