CDU Annual Report FY2021 | Page 39


Alumni Profile

Tracie Harvey , MD , ‘ 92
Tracie Harvey , MD , ‘ 92 is a graduate of the College of Medicine . She is currently a Medical Leader for Pathways to Wellness , a leading mental health provider for Alameda County , CA .
Dr . Harvey is a native of South Los Angeles , as she was born and raised in Compton , CA and is a graduate of Manuel Dominguez High School . She received her Bachelor ’ s degree from the University of California , Davis .
“ I chose CDU because King / Drew Medical Center was the community hospital born of the Watts Uprising staffed by physicians with a purpose of service for the people of my community ,” shared Dr . Harvey . “ CDU had a mission that was written seemingly on the hearts of its medical leadership .”
In 2001 , she started her practice in psychiatry providing services to children , adolescents and adults . She also completed her Psychiatry Residency at Yale School of Medicine and the Yale Child Study Center fellowship .
Dr . Harvey highlighted the idea to not tell yourself no because you expect a no from others . “ Go for everything you want ,” said Dr . Harvey .. “ Apply for medical school or residency even if you haven ' t written a grant , conducted research , interned at ‘ the best in the USA with Dr . He ' s all that .’ Apply !”
When it comes to her experience at CDU , Dr . Harvey said she “ loved CDU and would not have changed that opportunity – even looking 30 years back .”

Alumni Profile

Steve Yang , ELM ‘ 15 and FNP ‘ 17
Steve Yang , ELM ‘ 15 and FNP ‘ 17 is a graduate of the Mervyn M . Dymally School of Nursing . Yang attended CDU from 2013-2015 and graduated from the Entry Level Master ’ s Program . He then returned in 2016 to obtain his Post-Master ’ s from the Family Nurse Practitioner program .
Yang immigrated to southern California with his parents and younger brother in 1979 from Taiwan . A first-generation immigrant to attend college in the U . S ., Yang received his Bachelor ’ s degree from the University of Southern California . He currently works as a PMHNP for a private psychiatry group seeing patients in outpatient and inpatient settings .
He decided to enter the medical field because he grew up watching his grandfather help many people as a doctor . “ He was my hero . He helped everybody in the small town where he had his practice in Taiwan ,” said Yang . “ It didn ’ t matter if they didn ’ t have money or came from well to do families , he treated everybody with the same compassion and care .”
CDU was referred to him by a friend whose brother was a professor at CDU . Yang said CDU had the program he was interested in , and the vision and mission statement that resonated with him .
“ To be honest , it wasn ’ t easy . I was married , had two kids in grade school , and was working to raise a family ,” shared Yang . “ But it was also the most rewarding time . We had great professors and small cohorts with classmates we leaned on to learn from each other and push one another to succeed .”
Yang said he is proud and fortunate that CDU has given him the opportunity to help make a difference in people ’ s lives . “ Truly know why you want to be in medicine and to never give up ,” advised Yang . “ It ’ s super rewarding and special to be entrusted to care for other people and their loved one ’ s well-being .”