CdeO'sBEST Vol. 2, Issue 4 | Page 24

Published by GALA Publications Copyright © 2013 GALA Publications [email protected] | (088) 309-0218 | 0917-323-1220 CdeO’s BESTTM is published by GALA Publications with Department of Trade and Industry Registration Certificate 01512681 (TRN 3274286) and local Business Permit 2011-18582. Unless stated otherwise, all articles, artworks and photographs published herein are properties of GALA Publications per CdeO’s BESTTM ’s International Standard Serial Numbers 2244-5005 (for printed copies) and [PENDING] (for online copies). CdeO’s BESTTM and its components may not be reproduced or republished, be it online or in print, without the publisher’s expressed approval. GALA Publications Publisher | Glenn Paolo A. Goopio General Manager and Design Editor | Aldo Ray A. Goopio Finance Officer and Accountant | Nadine Arabelle L. Vivares Editor-in-Chief | Leonilyn C. Salise Chief Sales Representatives | Sweet Lindsay C. Tutor & Mary Cris C. Bagual Sales Representatives VOLUME 2, ISSUE4 (JULY 2013) ISSN 2244-5005 FOR PRINT | ISSN [PENDING] FOR ONLINE Printed and bound in NCR, Philippines. 420 OUTLETS