CdeO'sBEST Vol. 2, Issue 4 | Page 23

23 20 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 4 DISTRIBUTED TO 420 OUTLETS CdeO’s BEST | JULY 2013 BUSINESS “IN” / SCENE / THEARTS / CITY / LEISURE / ACADEME / HEALTH / PEOPLE / AWARENESS MULTIPLE-VENUE ADVERTISING FOR THE PRICE OF ONE C deO’s BEST is the first free lifestyle-advertorial publication of its genre. It features and promotes the people, businesses, groups, events, and cultures that make CdeO unique. Essentially a family magazine, CB will contain guides and articles for all household members to digest. While kids enjoy the latest leisure and fashion reviews, dads can take hints of the hottest business and franchise opportunities. Even CdeO’s moms will find CB’s occasional chef guestings and tips for home economics useful. In short, CdeO’s BEST is everybody’s hippest and trendiest guide to CdeO living. Is CB a veritable publication? CB is a registered magazine with an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) – a requirement for all bona fide publications – and a pending trademark patent. It is published by GALA Publications, a registered business establishment in Camaman-an, CdeO with TIN 413-457-943-000 and local Business Permit 11706. How would we know you produced the exact number of copies? CB’s staff will guarantee your investment by providing a documentation of the magazine’s copies and distribution (pictures, etc) which we’ll upload to CB’s official fanpages for all its 38,000+ members to see. Is advertising in CB advantageous and more economical? Would you also market our ads regularly online? How is it different from other magazines? Unlike other publications, CB has organized content. Its ads are strategically grouped so that each section forms a directory of CdeO’s establishments and service providers, making it much easier for readers to find the goods and services they need. Best of all, CB can discuss a wide variety of topics within the context of Cagayan de Oro. This ensures that CB will not just appeal to on