CCMH 535 RANK It's Your Life/ CCMH 535 RANK It's Your Life/ | Page 15
How would you describe her overall level of achievement based on her scores on the WJ III ACH ?
How would you interpret the comparison of Gayle ’ s CogAT scores to her WJ III ACH scores ?
How would you interpret Gayle ’ s scores SRBCSS on the Creativity and Musical subtests ?
Based on Gayle ’ s scores , she is not accepted into the gifted and talented program . Why was she not accepted ?
Write a letter to the Gifted Program Administrator appealing this decision . In your letter , make sure you reference all the relevant assessment about Gayle , including her academic grades , scores on the assessment instruments ( e . g ., WJ III ACH , CogAT , and the relevant SRBCSS subtest scores ) as well as any other evidence related to evidence related to creative , artistic , or music ability .
1 . Answer the following multiple-choice questions based on your readings for this week .
How would you describe her overall level of achievement based on her scores on the WJ III ACH ?
How would you interpret the comparison of Gayle ’ s CogAT scores to her WJ III ACH scores ?
How would you interpret Gayle ’ s scores SRBCSS on the Creativity and Musical subtests ?
Based on Gayle ’ s scores , she is not accepted into the gifted and talented program . Why was she not accepted ?
Write a letter to the Gifted Program Administrator appealing this decision . In your letter , make sure you reference all the relevant assessment about Gayle , including her academic grades , scores on the assessment instruments ( e . g ., WJ III ACH , CogAT , and the relevant SRBCSS subtest scores ) as well as any other evidence related to evidence related to creative , artistic , or music ability .