CCMH 535 RANK It's Your Life/ CCMH 535 RANK It's Your Life/ | Page 14
What assessment procedures might you use to determine if Emily is clinically depressed and / or suicidal ? Be specific . Describe the instrument ( s ) and the scales that you would most closely examine and why . Discuss a minimum of three different instruments .
In addition to interviewing Emily , who else might you consult with ?
Before concluding that Emily is in fact , clinically depressed , what other possibilities might you rule out ? What other questions would you like to ask Emily and / or her family ? What else would you like to know ?
Imagine that the results of your assessment suggest that Emily is experiencing depression . You schedule a meeting with Emily and her immediate family members to explain the results . What problem areas might you encounter during the feedback session ? Discuss some of the ethical considerations and practice guidelines that you would you keep in mind when working with this client and her family .
================================================ CCMH 535 Week 6 Learning Team Assignment Case of Gayle
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How would you describe Gayle ’ s overall level of intelligence based on the CogAT scores ?
What assessment procedures might you use to determine if Emily is clinically depressed and / or suicidal ? Be specific . Describe the instrument ( s ) and the scales that you would most closely examine and why . Discuss a minimum of three different instruments .
In addition to interviewing Emily , who else might you consult with ?
Before concluding that Emily is in fact , clinically depressed , what other possibilities might you rule out ? What other questions would you like to ask Emily and / or her family ? What else would you like to know ?
Imagine that the results of your assessment suggest that Emily is experiencing depression . You schedule a meeting with Emily and her immediate family members to explain the results . What problem areas might you encounter during the feedback session ? Discuss some of the ethical considerations and practice guidelines that you would you keep in mind when working with this client and her family .
================================================ CCMH 535 Week 6 Learning Team Assignment Case of Gayle
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . ccmh535rank . com
How would you describe Gayle ’ s overall level of intelligence based on the CogAT scores ?