Cauldron Anthology Issue 14 - Mother | Page 47

Mi Mami Appears to Me Now in the Things That Are Most Alive
Adrian Ernesto Cepeda
Cuando estoy cocinando Patacones , stirring the pan , frying Plantains I hear her voz , remembering the aromas that came from her own cocina , sometimes those flavors appear in my own kitchen or when we are at a restaurant seeing the menu , all the dishes she used to order : lamb , Filet Mingon and even Filet of Fish at McDonalds , my mother ’ s appetite no longer hungry — I can still sense her when I am listening to la musica of “ Yesterday ,” “ I ’ ll Follow the Sun ” by Los Beatles and George Harrion ’ s “ My Sweet Lord .” I can hear mi Mami most in the jazz maestros Coltrane , Miles , Louis Armstrong , Ella Fitzgerald