Catálogos 2019 AACCP 1º Remate Montados | Page 6

6.- The payment of the price relating to the acquisition of the animal shall be made “in cash”, on date of the purchase, except that before initiating the auction, the bidder/ purchaser, has requested the Auction Firm and the seller has issued his conformity in writing, so that in case the bidder results to be a purchaser, he can make the payment in the manner and in the terms different to the ones stated herein. It shall be considered as “particular concessions” the concessions granted to the persons who have requested, and therefore, they shall not be applicable to other purchasers nor to the other transactions done by the same purchaser. In addition, It is expressly stated that even when there is a term for the financing of the purchase, it must be paid in cash: the commission of the auctioneer plus VAT, and the payment of the Income Tax (Ingresos Brutos), applicable to such purchase, and Stamp Tax, including the transference costs of the animals and any other costs (transport, care, feeding, etc.) which might be applicable by paying on behalf of the purchaser. 7.- Each one of the persons who has purchased one or more animals, before leaving the sale store, shall comply with the following obligations and formalities to the effect to retire the acquired animals: a).- Sign the documentation relating to the purchase Boleta de venta (Sale Agreement), Contrato de Compra (Purchase Agreement), Título de Deuda (Debt Titles), Pagarés (Promissory Notes), etc., in such connection the purchaser shall show his ID (documento de identidad), copy of the registration with the AFIP (Argentine Federal Tax Boureau) and Rentas, constitute a domicile in the Argentine Republic and provide a telephone number for contact. In addition, the purchaser shall submit all the information necessary not only for the issuance of the purchase invoice but also for the removal and destiny of the animal/s, b).- Pay the “purchase price”, the commission of the auctioneer plus VAT, and the payment of the Income Tax (Ingresos Brutos), applicable to such purchase, and Stamp Tax, including the transference costs o