CATESOL Newsletter Fall 2013 | Page 9

Riding the Waves of Success Come Sizzle With Us! IEP Level Lines Up Roster of Events for Conference By Judith O’Loughlin By Sonja Lovelace IEP Level Chair T he CATESOL Education Foundation is sponsoring a Saturday Nite Sizzle Event on October 26, 2013, in the Regency Ballroom, Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, to raise funds for the various Foundation goals and projects, including: • Sponsoring outstanding speakers at chapter, regional, and state conferences; • Funding workshops and training on cultural diversity, instructional strategies for teaching English learners, and other professional-development needs; • Supporting special training on SDAIE/ SIOP methodologies and second language acquisition theory and strategies; • Providing financial support for the publication of the annual CATESOL Journal, a publication that showcases research in the field of language teaching. The Education Foundation team is planning for a fun evening for attendees. Please check the Foundation website for updated information as it becomes available at: www Our plans for the evening include: • A demonstration of Greek dance and the opportunity to learn some dance steps; • A no-host bar; • Raffle items from various vendors throughout California and Nevada (check the CATESOL Foundation website before coming to the event to see a partial list of items); • Music for dancing; • Networking with colleagues; • Après-dinner food items. (Please note— dinner will not be served at this event. Plan to have dinner on your own before attending the Sizzle event.) Raffle tickets will be available for purchase at the Foundation table in the Exhibit Hall and online at the Foundation website: Raffle ticket prices are $1 for 1 ticket; $5 for 6 tickets; $10 for 12 tickets; and $20 for 23 tickets. Guests may attend with 2013 CATESOL Annual Conference attendees for $20. Conference attendees will need to show their badges at the door. Special badges for guests can also be purchased at the conference or on the Foundation website: T he CATESOL Annual Conference “Riding the Waves of Success” (October 2427 in San Diego) provides several opportunities for members of Intensive English Programs to get together. Here are events that you might be interested in. Friday: IEP Level Awards at President’s Luncheon Our Teacher Development Award recipient will be honored at the President’s Luncheon on Friday, October 25. Our submissions have been extremely varied and quite interesting, and our judges have commented that the decisions were difficult. Reading these lesson plans has given me many ideas for my own teaching, so I would like to thank those who have participated for an enriching experience. The student whose essay has been awarded first place will be recognized at the Saturday Plenary Session. Sonja Lovelace Saturday: Breakfast, Rap Session, and Guest Speaker/Workshop For the early birds who would like to get together for breakfast on Saturday morning, we will meet at the hotel restaurant at 7 a.m. to chat before the morning sessions begin. Everyone will be responsible for his or her own expenses. This has been a tradition for many years, so I hope to see you there. At noon, IEP Level members will join in for a rap session as we enjoy our lunch before the afternoon program resumes. One focus we can discuss is how IEPs have changed in the past three years and the causes and effects of these changes. Other topics of high interest are new technologies and book recommendations. Guest Speaker to Discuss Complex Issues of Middle Eastern Cultures The Saturday afternoon IEP Workshop promises to be very informative as we continue to study the cultures of a region that makes up a large part of the population of Intensive English Programs: the Middle East. Guest speaker Shafiqa Ahma