Pre-Conference Institutes Present
a Don’t-Miss Opportunity
Welcome to San Diego
Continued from page 1
Town, Tijuana, and fabulous beaches and parks, all with mild yearround temperatures. You can still reserve a room and stay at the
Town and Country Resort Hotel for the low rate of $159 per night
for up to four occupants in a room. That way, you will be able to
enjoy every moment of the conference.
For dining choices, besides the restaurants
at the Town and Country, CATESOL will be
providing a hosted reception on Thursday evening. Other nights, you may feel like striking
out on your own. The Fashion Valley Mall is
within walking distance of the conference and
you will find several places to eat there.
If you do not want to strike out on your
own, take part in one of the Friday night escortWoodward
ed dinners. Escorted dinners will be offered to
four interesting San Diego restaurants and accessed by trolley from the Fashion Valley Mall. A fifth offering is
within walking distance of the conference site. It is important that
participants sign up and meet no later than 6 p.m. at the Hospitality
Desk. To save time, one-way trolley tickets to the first four destinations will be purchased in advance. Participants are responsible
for their own food and drink purchases and for return fare on the
trolley ($2.50). The restaurants are: Rama, in the Gaslamp Quarter
downtown featuring upscale Thai cuisine; Harbor House, in Seaport Village, offering steak and seafood, with a view of the bay;
Spaghtetteria, in Little Italy with classic Italian food and a colorful
atmosphere; Casa Guadalajara, in Old Town State Park, with its
menu of Mexican dishes in a lively, historical setting, just a short
trolley ride from the conference site; and True Food, on the east
side of Fashion Valley Mall, a short walk from the conference with
a great variety, including a number of vegetarian dishes.
And on Saturday, the CATESOL Education Foundation’s Saturday Nite Sizzle will feature some after-dinner foods, but you
should plan dinner elsewhere.
Employment Opportunities
Whether you are looking for a job or offering a job, the CATESOL conference is the place to be. At this year’s annual conference, job boards will be placed in a central and visible location
for conference attendees to view. If you are interested in placing a
job posting, please send a brief description of the job opportunities
available. Type the descriptions just as you wish them posted; each
he Pre-Conference Institutes are a hidden gem of the CATESOL Annual Conference. Every year, participants have an
opportunity to interact with and learn from some of the most
respected scholars and professionals in our field. For a small
additional registration fee, you are guaranteed the chance to
meet these experts in a small group setting, where you can
ask questions and build your understanding of complex and
important topics in second language teaching and policy.
This year, the PCIs will be held 1:30-4:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 24. When you register for a session, you will
get to spend three hou