OC Chapter Features Author/Incoming CATESOL President
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P.O. Box 9200-338
Fountain Valley, CA 92708-9200
By Carol Bander
Publicity Co-Chair,
Orange County Chapter
ow many of us have taught grammar
that students seem to master on discrete-point grammar tests but fail to incorporate in their writing? The Orange County
Chapter of CATESOL and the CSUF TESOL club invite you to attend Ellen Lange’s
presentation, “Teaching Grammar Effectively to ESL Writers,” from 8 a.m. to 1
p.m. on Saturday, November 16, at California State University, Fullerton.
Ellen will explore why the transition
from studying grammar rules to applying
them in students’ own writing is so difficult. She will focus on which grammar
points and aspects to emphasize to maximize student writers’ progress. Additionally, she will show us how to develop activities specifically designed to move students toward using the grammar they have
learned in their own writing. As she states,
the workshop will be highly interactive and
participants will leave with activities that
they can immediately incorporate into their
own classrooms and with ideas for creating
their own future class materials.
At the time of the presentation Ellen will have assumed the presidency of
CATESOL. She formerly served on the
CATESOL Board as College and University Level Chair and on the CATESOL
Education Foundation Board. During her
40-year career at the University of California, Davis, Ellen has taught all aspects
of expository com