Catalyst • Junior Secondary Curriculum • Handbook 2021
Project Year 9
Thermodynamics (Chemical Science)
This project explores the nature and properties of
Students learn about energy transfer, particularly
the transfer of heat through convection, conduction
and radiation. Working in small groups, students
conduct a series of experiments to discover that
common substances transfer heat at different rates.
Using this knowledge each group then designs
and constructs an insulated container to minimise
heat loss. These containers are then tested under
controlled conditions in class. The project concludes
with students producing a report outlining the
scientific principles behind their design, evaluating its
efficiency, and detailing possible improvements that
could be made.
Project Year 9
Stagnant Swamp or Wild Wetland? (Biological Science)
This project explores the vast and intricate
connections and relationships that exist in our natural
Through the study of ecology, students explore energy
and matter cycles within interrelated living networks.
Collaborating in small groups, students will conduct
an environmental impact survey of a natural wetland
environment. The goal of the survey is for students to
understand that human survival depends on people
effectively managing our natural environment.
Students will undertake fieldwork and perform
scientific tests on water quality. They will deepen
their understanding of scientific methodology
and develop skills involving conducting fair tests,
collecting data, formulating conclusions and
reporting on these in a scientific manner.