Inserting Your Own Art
You can replace the pictures in this template with your company’s
art. To do so, click where you want to insert the picture. On the
Insert menu, point to Picture, and then click From File. Locate
the picture you want to insert, and then click it. Next, click the
arrow to the right of the Insert
button, and then click either
Insert to place a copy of the
picture into the booklet, Link
to File to display the picture
without actually inserting a
copy, or Insert and Link.
Since Insert embeds a copy,
the picture is always visible,
but it may greatly increase the
size (in bytes) of your booklet
depending on how large the
picture is. In contrast, Link to
File does not increase the size, and if you make changes to the
original picture, they automatically show up in the booklet. But the
picture won’t be displayed if viewed from a computer that can’t
link to the original. Insert and Link inserts a copy so that the
image is always available, and also automatically updates
changes to the original.
Using Pull Quotes
You can draw readers into the information in your booklet by
using a pull quote, like the one on page two. A pull quote is a
phrase or sentence taken from your main column and set apart so
that it’s easy to see. It can be set apart in several ways. Typically,
you place it in a text box and then position the box either in the
margin or within the main column (with the column text flowing
around it). In addition, you might format the pull quote differently
from the main column by centering it or changing the typeface,
style, and size of the font. The text of a pull quote should be
engaging. When a reader flips through your booklet looking for a
reason to read it, a pull quote can provide that reason.