Cast Metal & Diecasting Times July/ August 2016 April/May 2016 | Page 23

FOUNDRY WORKSHOP | 21 w w w. n e w b u s i n e s s m e d i a . c o Laurie Palmer, Managing Director of ARUN Technology, Metalscan Ltd (left) with his colleague, Lee Lythe, Global Sales Director Left to right is Mark Fletcher of A1 Roper, with Ian Raw. Looking after the Omega Foundry Machinery Ltd table was Tom Fenyes (left), together with Sales Director Chris Wilding. Martin Matias Solina, Product Manager, Manufacturing Solutions, solidThinking (left) with Ravi Kunju, Vice President, Manufacturing Solutions, solidThinking. From L to R – Steve Goodwin and Michael McMahon from John Winter’s technical sales team. C a s t M e t a l & D i e c a s t i n g Ti m e s A p r i l / M a y 2 0 1 6