Cast Metal & Diecasting Times July/ August 2016 April/May 2016 | Page 22

20 | FOUNDRY WORKSHOP w w w. n e w b u s i n e s s m e d i a . c o Foundry Workshop success at University of Warwick Over two half days this April, more than 100 delegates and exhibitors attended the fifth Foundry Workshop, organised by Cast Metal & Diecasting Times and supported by the Foundry Equipment & Supplies Association. Delegates listened to 15 papers, which addressed everything from 3D printing to zero harm ladles and casting impregnation. Speakers included Professor John Campbell, Professor Mark Jolly, Anthony Middleton from Grainger & Worrall and Will Jeffs of Casting Technology International. In addition, a tabletop exhibition involving 20 companies and organisations included displays from Inductotherm Europe, Omega Foundry Machinery and solidThinking. Held over April 12/13 at the University of Warwick, delegates enjoyed full refreshments including a buffet dinner and overnight accommodation. The next Foundry Workshop will take pace in April 2017. At the Synchro ERP table were Simon Adlington, Global Senior Implementation Manager with Bianca Catherall, Marketing Project Manager. Present on the Inductotherm display (from left to right) are Craig Holdback, Area Sales Manager; Paul Orban, Area Sales Manager; Steve Hills, Managing Director and David Heavey, Director of Sales. Kevin Hawley of GOM UK with Louise Taylor, Sales Operation and Marketing. Pam Murrell, FESA President (left) with Julia Cartwright of ICME. Looking after the Mayo Engineering table was Tim Whittaker, Technical Manager . Craig Holdback, Area Sales Manager, Inductotherm Europe (left) with Jim Erskine from Progress Rail Steel Foundry. Mr Erskine was among the speakers at this year’s event. FESA President Pam Murrell with her predecessor, Steve Hills of Inductotherm Europe, who was presented with the FESA President badge. C a s t M e t a l & D i e c a s t i n g Ti m e s A p r i l / M a y 2 0 1 6