Sleeve (make 2)
With US4 (3,5 mm) CO 64 (72, 80) sts using Italian ribbing
1x1 cast-on method.
Switch to US5 (3,75 mm) needles and work in rib 1x1 as
follows: selvage st, *k1, p1, rep from * to the last st, k1. Work
in rib 1x1 for 11 more rows, end with WS row. Knit all sts in
the next row and increase evenly 10 sts, there are 74 (82, 90)
sts on needles.
Switch to main US7 (4,5 mm) needles and purl all sts in the
next row. Begin to work Chart of the lace cable pattern from
the first row. Work 12 rows total (counting from the ribbing)
and end with WS row.
Sleeve cap shaping
Work the next RS row to the last 8 (9, 10) sts, wrap the next
st and turn, work WS row to the last 8 (9, 10) sts, wrap the
next st and turn.
*In the next RS row work to 7 (8, 9) sts before the wrapped
st, wrap the next st and turn, work WS row to 7 (8, 9) sts
before the wrapped st, wrap the next st and turn. Rep from *
2 more times.
Work entire RS and WS alignment rows to the end, working
over all wrapped stitches. While working on alignment rows,
try to maintain stitch pattern which is determined by short
rows segments below.
Transfer all sts to a spare circular needle. Leave long enough
tail for sewing in the sleeves.
Join and BO shoulders sts using the 3 needle bind-off
method with yarn tail that was left on the back. After one
shoulder is finished, with the same yarn BO remaining live
sts of the back neckline. After that countinue on the second
shoulder. The shoulder and neckline bind-off method with
the same yarn tail by Aistė Butkevičienė (aisteb1973) is
published here (ctrl+click the link below (Russian language,
but there are pictures and schematics):
For neckband pick up 83 (87, 91) sts around neckline using
US4 (3,5 mm) needles. Switch to US5 (3,75 mm) needles.
In the next WS row work in rib 1 x 1 as follows: selvage st,
*p1, k1, rep from * to the end of the row. Work in rib 1x1 for
10 more rounds. End with WS row. BO sts with the tapestry
needle using bind-off method for rib 1 x 1. The method is
published here (ctrl+click the link below (Russian language,
but there are pictures and schematics):
Pattern version 1.0.eng November 2016
Button bands
With US4 (3,5 mm) on the left front pick up 167 sts. Turn
work. Switch to US5 (3,75 mm). In the next WS row work in
rib 1x1, start as follows: selvage st, *p1, k1. Rep from * to
the last 2 sts, p2. Work as established for 10 more rows. End
with WS row. BO sts with the tapestry needle using bind-off
method for rib 1x1.
With US4 (3,5 mm) on right front pick up 167 sts. Turn work.
Switch to US5 (3,75 mm). In the next WS row work in rib 1x1,
start as follows: selvage st, *p1, k1. Rep from * to the last
2 sts, p2. Work as established for 3 more rows. End with RS
In the next WS and RS rows make button holes. Work first 5
sts as established (including the selvage st), purl 2 tog, *work
20 sts, purl 2 sts tog. Rep from * 6 more times, and end the
row as established.
In the next RS row work first 6 sts es established (including
the selvage st), YO, *work 21 sts in rib 1x1, YO. Rep from * 6
more times, work as established to the end of the row. Work
straight for 5 more rows. End with WS row. BO sts with the
tapestry needle using bind-off method for rib 1 x 1.
The height of the neckband and button bands is 12 rows
(including the row of picked up sts). There are 8 button
holes total.
Set in sleeves using combined grafting and Mattress stitch:
approximately 6,5 live sleeve sts attaching to 4 selvage sts of
the armhole (or 13 sts to 16 rows), taking into account that
the back armhole is 4 rows longer that the front armhole,
start and finish between armhole markers. The method of
grafting and Mattress stitch technique and the pictures is
published here (ctrl+click the link below (Russian language,
but there are pictures and schematics):
Sew side seams and sleeve seams using mattress stitch.
Weave in all yarn ends. Sew on 8 buttons on left band. Sew
on buttons not in the center of the band, but a bit closer to
the front piece (a bit further from the edge).
Wash the garment, roll it between two thick bath towels and
firmly press towel roll to squeeze out excess water. Take the
garment out, lay it out flat, block to measurements. Don’t
button up! Let the garment dry completely before removing.
Wear with pleasure and a smile!
Thank you for knitting!