Cashmere Collection. Knitting patterns Clematis (eng) | Page 7

Left front Right front
@ aisteb1973
With US4 ( 3,5 mm ) CO 51 ( 59 , 67 ) sts using Italian ribbing 1x1 cast-on method . Switch to US5 ( 3,75 mm ) needles and work in rib 1x1 as follows : selvage st , * k1 , p1 , rep from * to the end of the row . Work in rib 1x1 for 23 more rows or 8 cm , end with WS row . Knit all sts in the next row and decrease 1 st , there are 50 ( 58 , 66 ) sts on needles . Switch to main US7 ( 4,5 mm ) needles and purl all sts in the next row . Begin to work Chart of lace cable pattern from the 5th row . Work straight for 91 rows total counting from ribbing , end with RS row .
Horizontal bust dart
In the next WS row work to the last 6 ( 7 , 8 ) sts , wrap the next st and turn , work RS row to the end and turn . * In the next WS row work to 5 ( 6 , 7 ) sts before the wrapped st , wrap the next st and turn , work RS row to the end and turn . Rep from * 2 more times . Work WS alignment row following the stitch pattern of the current row and working over all wrapped sts . Mark this row with a stitch marker , as the beginning of the armhole . Continue to work straight . Work 125 ( 127 , 129 ) rows total counting from the ribbing along the sideline , or 133 ( 135 , 137 ) rows total counting along the front center line .
Neckline shaping
In the next WS row BO 3 ( 4 , 5 ) sts . Work the row to the end as established and turn . Work RS row to the last 2 sts , knit 2 sts tog and turn . In the next WS row BO 2 sts . Work the row to the end and turn . Work RS row to the last 2 sts , knit 2 sts tog and turn . In the next WS row BO 1 st . Work the row to the end and turn . Work RS row to the last 2 sts , knit 2 sts tog and turn . * Work WS row to the end and turn . Work RS row to the last 2 sts , knit 2 sts tog and turn . Rep from * once more . Then work straight , there are 39 ( 46 , 53 ) sts on needles .
Shoulder slope shaping
Work straight for 139 ( 143 , 147 ) rows from ribbing , counting along the side line , end with RS row . In the next WS row work to the last 8 ( 9 , 10 ) sts , wrap the next st and turn , work RS row to the end and turn . * In the next WS row work to 7 ( 8 , 9 ) sts before the wrapped st , wrap the next st and turn , work RS row to the end and turn . Rep from * 2 more times . Work WS alignment row . While working on alignment row , try to maintain stitch pattern which is determined by short rows segments below . Transfer remaining 39 ( 46 , 53 ) sts of the shoulder to a spare circular needle .
With US4 ( 3,5 mm ) CO 51 ( 59 , 67 ) sts using Italian ribbing 1x1 cast-on method . Switch to US5 ( 3,75 mm ) needles and work in rib 1x1 as follows : selvage st , * k1 , p1 , rep from * to the end of the row . Work in rib 1x1 for 23 more rows or 8 cm , end with WS row . Knit all sts in the next row and decrease 1 st , there are 50 ( 58 , 66 ) sts on needles . Switch to main US7 ( 4,5 mm ) needles and purl all sts in the next row . Begin to work Chart of lace cable pattern from the 5th ( 1st , 5th ) row . Work straight for 90 rows , counting from ribbing , end with WS row .
Horizontal bust dart
In the next RS row work to the last 6 ( 7 , 8 ) sts , wrap the next st and turn , work WS row to the end and turn . * In the next RS row work to 5 ( 6 , 7 ) sts before the wrapped st , wrap the next st and turn . Work WS row to the end and turn . Rep from * 2 more times . Work RS alignment row following the stitch pattern of the current row and working over all wrapped sts and one more WS row . Mark this row with a stitch marker , as the beginning of the armhole . Continue to work straight . Work 126 ( 128 , 130 ) rows total counting from the ribbing along the sideline , or 134 ( 136 , 138 ) rows counting along the front center line .
Neckline shaping
In the next RS row BO 3 ( 4 , 5 ) sts . Work row to the end as established and turn . Work WS row to the last 2 sts , purl 2 sts tog and turn . In the next RS row BO 2 sts . Work row to the end and turn . Work WS row to the last 2 sts , purl 2 sts tog and turn . In the next RS row BO 1 st . Work row to the end and turn . Work WS row to the last 2 sts , purl 2 sts tog and turn . * Work RS row to the end and turn . Work WS row to the last 2 sts , purl 2 sts tog and turn . Rep from * once more . Then work straight , there are 39 ( 46 , 53 ) sts on needles .
Shoulder slope shaping
Work straight for 138 ( 142 , 146 ) rows from ribbing , counting along the side line , end with WS row . In the next RS row work to the last 8 ( 9 , 10 ) sts , wrap the next st and turn , work WS row to the end and turn . * In the next RS work to 7 ( 8 , 9 ) sts before the wrapped st , wrap the next st and turn , work WS row to the end and turn . Rep from * 2 more times . Work RS alignment row and one WS row . While working on alignment row and the next row , try to maintain stitch pattern which is determined by short rows segments below . Transfer remaining 39 ( 46 , 53 ) sts of the shoulder to a spare circular needle .
All images , text , and illustrations © Aistė Butkevičienė , 2016 7