Cartooteen save the semester with these studying tips | Page 3
save the semester with these
fabulous studying tips!!
Or at least give them a try…
Look for a quiet place where it will be
easy for you to concentrate. The place
where you study is one of the most
important factors that are involved in
how easy it is for you to memorize all
the information that you are reviewing.
Just take a 15 minute nap when you feel
your mind is too tired to continue. If you
are not rested enough nothing that you
study will stay in your mind…trust me
that will be a great help for you.
Organize you notes, if you just have a
mess your brain will get tiered too fast
and it won´t be nothing easy for you to
study like that. You can also use
different types of colors.
Organize very well your time. Start using
a calendar, planner, or task list at the
beginning of the semester. Write down
important dates for exams, assignments
and other projects.
Have a good and nutrient breakfast, this
is one of the most important things for
us before an exam; make sure that your
brain has the enough nutrients for you
to concentrate.
When you think that are totally ready
for the exam prepare a test for
yourself, try to answer it without looking
at your notes. Once you have done it
check where your mistakes were and
study a bit more where you had