Cartier 2016 3.6.16 QC FINAL | Page 13

CONT ENTS C ART I E R FORE WORD 14 PRESI D E NT ' S DRAW 17 SPORT I NG KI NGS 42 22 A ND COUNT I NG. . . 52 C A RT IE R QUE E N' S C UP T E AM S 2016 61 ROYAL SPAR K LE 68 OPE N SE ASON 76 T RAV E LLI NG I N ST Y LE 86 SUC C ESSF U L C HART E RI NG 96 B LUF F E R' S GUI DE TO HI GH GOAL PO LO 103 H ONOURS BOARD 114 The Cartier Queen’s Cup Programme 2016 is designed and published by Publications UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 8238 5000 Email: [email protected] Web: Editor Diana Butler Managing Director Stewart Lee Design Hitesh Chauhan Production Team Emily Turner, Angela Brown, Guv Phull and Jillian Williams Photography Images of Polo Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this pub- lication, and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers and the promoters will not accept responsibility for any inaccuracies. Reproduction of any part of this publication without permission is strictly forbidden. © Publications UK LTD 2016. Guards Polo Club and the Publishers make no recommendation in respect of any of the advertisers, and no recommendation may be implied by way of the presence of their advertisements. G UA R D S P O LO C LU B 13