E Enrique Frontera, President stablished in 2005, TEC2FLY Inc. began working in the technology industry. In 2006, it started a project creating interfaces with HL7 standards long before electronic health records (EHR) became widely used. This in turn gave the company a competitive edge as an increasing number of healthcare providers began looking for ways to transform their patient’s information into digital formats and comply with HIPAA regulations and meaningful use standards. With the development of the TEC2SCAN scanning software, this technology became the first and only product of its kind to integrate with the top EHRs used in Puerto Rico. As hospitals, clinics, physician practices and other types of companies began experiencing the advantages of accessing their critical information in real time, TEC2SCAN has become more popular. The company is the first and only with certified interfaces to the best local EHR companies in Puerto Rico, such as NeoMed, EHRez, Sabiamed, INFOMEDIKA and others, who trust our professional judgment and ethics to manage their client’s confidential information. With a flexible pricing model that makes scanning affordable to big and small organizations, this is the ultimate solution for ending costly paper overhead and eliminating high document management risks. The sooner one starts scanning, the more time you will have saved by having the patient’s complete information in an EHR. With more than 14 years of experience in the field, TEC2FLY also provides solid technical consulting, CISA-certified audits, meaningful use and legal compliance, disaster recovery and business continuity documentation, and configuration based on corporate or HIPAA standards, in addition to many other services. The company has been developing its own codes since 1999, and TEC2FLY’s wealth of experience in the ever-evolving technology and healthcare industries gives it the ability to innovate and create trends for others to follow. In fact, most of its clients, that can benchmark other company’s products and services objectively, have recognized that even the larger companies can’t work at the level of expertis H]??Y\?????\]H?]]??X?\?[?Y][??Y\???X??P??B?\???YY]???X??[?????[[???\??X?\???Y[???\??X\?[?ZX[ZKY^X??????X?XH[??[H\??[ ??P???S?\?H??\??[???]??\[Y[?????][??[?X[?\?H??Y\???&B?X?????H???[?^?HZ\???\?][???[H?]?[???X?K?[YH[?[?^K?H??\[?B??X\?[?Y\??Y[???[?]?B?[?H[? LZ[?]\?H]Y[? ?]?H??]X\?H???Y?B?[??\?Z?\?H?[? [?Y?]B?HY?][YH?\??????Y?[??X?????\??P??B?\??\???&HR??????YYX?[[?]Y]?[?X[?H?\???[?Y?]?????H?[???[??]\\?X?\?Y?X???B??^??X?[?\??[?H\?HP???S???[??[?????\?K???