Carmudi Monthly 001 | Page 9

Self-Driven Cars

Whether we like it or not, vehicles that have the capability to drive autonomously, without the direct intervention of a human driver will come to domin-ate the future of the automobile industry.

Ever since Karl Benz created what is now largely considered as the first true petrol powered vehicle, the Benz Patent-Motorwagen, in 1886 (which is virtually 130 years ago), cars have come a long way, from simple boxes with wheels to comp-licated mechanical machines that demonstrated the ingenuity of our-selves as human beings.

While having technological innova-tions such as simple Air Condition-ing or even the more advanced Anti-Lock Braking System used to be luxury features. These fundamental technologies are now an essential part of every car being sold today. In a similar way, Sri Lankan's can also expect technologies that allow cars to drive by themselves to become a common sight on our busy roads in the distant future.

Fundamentally, a real self-driving vehicle will have no steering wheel or even an accelerator, and can operate from start to the end without any human intervention whatsoever.

The Future of Mobility

Self-Driving or Autonomous?

Interestingly, what most of you might not know is that there is in fact a difference between self-driving cars and autonomous cars.

Most of the time, we tend to call all the current developing technologies as self-driving cars, but, the use of this terminology for most of the time is plain and simply wrong.

According to the experts, most of the technologies that are under development are actually autono–mous vehicles, while the prospect of a truly self-driving car is far ahead in the future.

In this sense, a vehicle with an adaptive cruise control can be considered as a basic level autono-mous vehicle; while Google’s experimental self-driving cars can be considered as the real deal.