CARIMAC Times 2016: The JREAM Edition Journalists Reviving Awareness of what Matters | Page 67
day they left them here, they [relatives] don’t
return. Everything we have here is people donate
it,” Scott said.
Rupert Dailey is one such resident who has
been neglected by his relatives. He was taken
to St. Monica’s by his daughter who, after eight
months, still has not returned to visit him.
Beryl Johnson shares a similar experience as
she claimed her brother only visits when he
wants her to sign a document that would give
him authority over her finances and assets.
“Him only call when him want mi sign over my
bank account; but I won’t do it, so he said he’s
not coming back,” Johnson said.
“My niece, Stephanie, she would call but she is
going overseas now so I won’t see her again,”
Johnson continued.
Another resident left her house to come and
stay at St. Monica’s in hope of getting better
treatment than she was getting at home.
telling people that they are not caring for her.
“I would come to St. Monica’s in the day and stay
here just because I was lonely at home and I
asked Nurse Scott if she had any vacancy and
she said when she does she will call me. I got
the call nine months ago and I’ve been here
since,” Brown recalled with teary eyes.
Brown shared that her brother told her with
certainty that he would not visit her at St. Monica’s
because she left their home on her own free will.
“I sit right here and watch my brother and my
sister-in-law drive pass here every day, and
none of them stop, because them have me up
[disapprove]. I just pray that God be with them,
because they don’t know how much they are
hurting me. It is God who keep me each day,”
Brown reasoned as tears welled up in her eyes.
*Name changed to protect identity
“My husband died and I got chikungunya and I
couldn’t really walk around the house anymore,”
Daphne Brown told CARIMAC Times.
“I was making some tea one morning and I felt
dizzy and the hot water spilled over and burned
me on my legs because I fell while pouring the
water. I had to call my neighbour for help and
she couldn’t stay with me very long because
she had work,” Brown said.
Brown said her brother came to visit her a
week after the incident and told her that she
should stop making the family look bad by