CARIMAC Times 2016: The JREAM Edition Journalists Reviving Awareness of what Matters | Page 66
Photo by Jennifer Smith Green
Seven minutes had passed and Johnson was
still trying to take up her hot cup of mint tea
and her serving of stewed peas that she had just
warmed herself. In one hand, she tried to hold
the cup and in the other she held the plate. As a
result, she could not find the space to hold the
cane she used to walk. Several nurses walked
by without providing any assistance or giving
her as much as a second glance.
“Thank you very much,” Johnson said when
assisted by CARIMAC Times.
“Are you new here?” Johnson asked. “… you helped
me, so you must be new, because the other
nurses would just walk pass like they always
do,” Johnson added in a quiet voice.
Jean Scott spoke about the lack of family support
residents receive at St. Monica’s Home for the
Aged. She added that elders are not able to
share in the joys with their family and loved
ones during holidays, or share in the sorrows
during moments of sadness because they are
“Some residents here are homeless while others
are taken here by their relatives and from the