CARIMAC Times 2016: The JREAM Edition Journalists Reviving Awareness of what Matters | Page 50

The Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of the West Indies, Mona Photo by Tori Haber The decision Green told CARIMAC Times that her mother made the decision for her to pursue actuarial science, as she wanted to become a teacher of mathematics when she was younger. However, her mother, as a girl, did not get the opportunity to do it because her parents could not afford tertiary education. She explained further that her mother loves mathematics and would do anything related to the field. Green shared that one day her mother was watching a television programme in which the presenter spoke about a lack of actuarial scientists in Jamaica. As the presenter spoke about the criteria for profession, her mother understood that it is math-based and, therefore, thought of her daughter engaging in this course of study. Green’s eyes beamed with pride as she said her mother is now a fashion designer. She pointed to the black and white striped open-front cardigan she wore. It was difficult to miss the hems as they were done using white lace and adorned the bottom of clothing. Her mother made it. Dr. Angela Gordon Stair, senior counsellor at the University of the West Indies Health Centre, said a 46