Tears took over . Mundie ’ s lips trembled and he was silent .
Mundie said , before that painful episode , his sister was the person he would go to for help . His sister attended the same school .
In a moment that is reminiscent of Lee ’ s request for assistance from his relatives who attended school with him , Mundie sought help from his sister when a bully began to torment him . He said he could take no more .
“ One day , I said to my sister , ‘ Hey , this guy keep on picking on me and keeps on taking away my lunch money and calling me names ,’ and she actually got her friends who were also males but were way older than this guy to talk some sense into him … beat him around a little bit and he never messed with me again .”
Lee also reached his boiling point when the same student who ‘ outed ’ him at school slapped him with a T-square on his buttocks .
“ I picked up a rock , and he was running about and screaming … I just walked him down . And thank God for that guidance counsellor . She came out and she saw me . And she was like , ‘ Mr . Lee ! Mr . Lee !’ Then she was like , ‘ Earl Lee !’ and I was like , ‘ Yes !’ She said : ‘ Put the rock down !’ I said : ‘ No ! He hit me with the T-square .’ I was enraged . I was ready to throw the stone at him …”