Caribbean Creatives July-Sept 2013 | Page 27

C A R I B B E A N C R E A T I V E S Company Controls FCAS has a strong and proven management structure, governance and ?nancial controls in place. One of the key functions of the management team will be to manage the production team to ensure the company always has adequate animators to meet the production demand of multiple projects in a timely fashion. The studio The studio is a state-of-the-art-design studio that focuses on animation, new-media production and training. The studio production team has successfully completed several big animation projects. The team comprises in-house animators that have been trained by Full Circle Animation Studio over the last 5 years. As part of its developmental process, plans are in place to produce a TV series on the popular folklore character Anansi of which a pilot has already been completed. Organization Structure and Management The structure of FCAS is as follows: ! ! Production Process and FCA Production Focus ! *! ! *! ! ! *!Outsourced production Focus continued on page 28 27 Volume 5 July - September 2013